Honey from a Dark Hive
Mindy Solomon is pleased to present the inaugural solo exhibition of Argentinian artist Ornella Pocetti. In her debut show, Pocetti crafts a pulp fiction inspired mélange of nouveau femme fatale mythology, pushing the envelope on contemporary storytelling. Fictional landscapes emerge, featuring beings with feminine and non-binary characteristics.
Pocetti writes about her work: “To border the idea of mystery and the uncanny; I let the viewer be the one that completes what cannot be seen. My goal is to achieve coexistence of the known and unknown in the image. To unveil the existence of a being without showing their identity. A concrete expression of aesthetic components that add something to our world’s perception. This body of work emerges as exploration and research, where I attempt to form a unique visual language. There is a relationship between the painting and the cycles within nature, vegetation shifts and changes highlighting movement and disintegration; a place where violence and erotism are intertwined.”
The show is comprised of small paintings, ceramics and several large-scale works. Each image and object a part of a puzzle. Some works convey an eerie almost ethereal glow. Unknown sources of illumination, strange disconnected cast shadows, and flowers that seep blood are all on display. There is a graphic novel sensibility that the viewer will become immersed in and perhaps find the honey flowing from the dark hive.
About Ornella Pocetti
Ornella Pocetti was born in Buenos Aires In 1991. She studied at the University of National Arts in Argentina (UNA) and continued studying at different workshops and programs. In 2015, she had her first solo show, “Defying time” at Acéfala Gallery (Bs As, Argentina). In 2022 she participated in Fountainhead Arts, a residency located in Miami.
Her work can be found in museums and galleries, and also in other mediums such as book covers, movie posters, CD covers, etc. Currently, she is based in Argentina,during this year she has her first solo show in Miami (Mindy Solomon gallery) and a duo show in Berlin, with artist Marcelo Canevari.